ETOOLKIT.DCK ------------ A BASIC toolkit eprom cartridge (AROS). This toolkit has following options: Renumber, Hex/Dec loader, Disassembler, 3-base arithmetic, UDG generator, Header reader and it can be configured for various printer interfaces. The numbers and addresses that user enter should have the prefix "H" for hexadecimal, or "D" for decimal in order for the program to know what type of format is expected. The renumber routine doesn't renumber GO TO's or GO SUB's. A black box will be placed in the listing where ever the user needs to change a line number. If you want to switch between the toolkit and some BASIC program that exists in the HOME bank follow these instructions. To load a program from tape, after initializing the AROS toolkit program, select number 8 (Return to HOME bank). After loading a program when you want to enter toolkit, do POKE 23750,128: GO TO 1 You can also return to the normal basic by doing: POKE 23750,0.